Wednesday, January 30, 2008
YWAM's Misguided Missiology
Read the rest HERE.
Saturday, January 26, 2008
Replacement Theology - Another "Twist" On Scripture
Over the past several years I have noticed a trend underway within Christianity that concerns me. Many who once saw the significance of Israel as a key sign we are in the last times, now have changed their minds. They now believe the church is Israel. How can this be?
If you are a Christian you will understand the significance of Israel as God’s chosen people. Well, perhaps I am being a bit presumptuous. In the past, I would have assumed this to be the case. However, today, based on a current trend, many Christians who once believed the promises and prophecies found in the Old Testament for Israel were for Isreal, now have changed their views.
This amazes me. How could this be? How is it possible to say when God inspired the prophets of the Old Testament to write down His Word, that God really didn’t mean Israel? Doesn’t this change the entire meaning of what God has said? How can sincere Christians who claim to believe in God and His Word, change His Word? What is the purpose of this?
The scenario I have described is called replacement theology. The idea has been around for some time. For example, the Roman Catholic Church, in its endeavor to establish the kingdom of God here on earth, has always promoted the idea that the “church” is Israel.
However, they’re not alone. A very high percentage of “evangelical Protestants” also agree. They see the kingdom of God being established by the church, as well. While many of them have not considered the Roman Catholic plan (well, at least not yet), I suspect they soon will.
Now, you may be wondering, why would such an interpretation of the Bible, relegating Israel to a place in history and elevating the church to a position of power, be so popular now? Especially when the prophecies found in the Old Testament make it clear that God has a special plan for Israel.
Well, I think I know. From what I read in the Bible, it seems apparent that Satan hates God’s chosen people. The devil can read God’s Word and he also knows what God has said about blessing those who support His people. Listen as I read from Genesis what God told Abraham:
And I will make of thee a great nation, and I will bless thee, and make thy name great; and thou shalt be a blessing: And I will bless them that bless thee, and curse him that curseth thee: and in thee shall all families of the earth be blessed.
In the next few programs, we are going to look at current events that show there are key political players in the world who hate Israel. In fact they would like to wipe Israel off the map.
Now, this I can understand. It’s in the Bible.
However, what I cannot understand is the fact that there are those who profess to be followers of Jesus who would like to do the same thing – they want to reinterpret what God has said and replace Israel with the church. I believe this is dangerous. It is also a sign we are in the last times. The world and the church are being inspired by the one who deceives the whole world.
Thursday, January 17, 2008
Since When Is Life Offensive?
HAMILTON, Ontario, January 17, 2008 ( - The city of Hamilton Ontario has decided to pull a series of pro-life advertisements from its bus-shelters, saying that they were “offensive” and too “controversial.”
The ads, which are part of a nation-wide pro-life campaign coordinated by Life Canada, depict a pregnant woman. At the top of the ad are the words, “Nine months: the length of time abortion is allowed in Canada. No medical reason needed.” At the bottom is the question, “Abortion, have we gone too far?”
The ads, which include bus, transit shelter, newspaper, radio, billboard and postcard ads, are being run in dozens of cities across Canada. Fredericton, New Brunswick, and Kwlowna, British Columbia are the only other cities in the country that have refused to run the ads. Kelowna Right to Life, however, has arranged for the ad to be displayed on a large billboard overlooking a main artery running into the city.
Don Hull, the city’s director of transit, explained the city’s reasons for pulling the ads, saying “We don’t think it’s appropriate for that medium to be used for controversial community messaging.”
The Hamilton Spectator reports that the decision was made to pull the ads after Hamilton’s transit office received three complaints, and one of the ads was vandalized with pro-abortion graffiti. A city councilor, Brian McHattie, also personally submitted a request for the ads to be removed, saying that they were “offensive,” and “totally inappropriate.”
Gudrun Schultz, the executive director of LifeCanada told that her organization found it “disturbing” that the city would have pulled the ads based upon a mere handful of complaints.
“We find that very disturbing that that’s all it takes to remove a very innocuous pro-life ad. We’re not talking about graphic images, any of the usual complaints about pro-life ads, that they’re too visually disturbing. It’s quite a gentle image. It asks a question and states a fact.”
“I’m not clear on what part of that is so offensive that it has to be taken down,” she said. “It’s very unfortunate when a small part of the public raises an objection and effectively silences the rest of the community, that might very well be supportive of the issue. It’s important to note as well that our Life Canada poll has consistently shown that 2/3s of Canadians don’t support unrestricted abortion. 2/3s of Canadians can relate to our ad. That’s a pretty strong majority.”
Joanne Byfield, the president of Life Canada responded to the city’s decision, saying, “Councillor McHattie asked for the ads to be pulled because he says, ‘For me personally, it definitely was offensive.’ I wish he was more specific. Was it the image of the pregnant woman that so offended him? Was it the statement of fact in the ad: ‘Nine months: The length of time abortion is allowed in Canada. No medical reason needed?’ Or was it the tag line, ‘Abortion: Have we gone too far?’”
“I’d like to thank Councillor Brian McHattie and the City of Hamilton for illustrating the point we are making in our LifeCanada ad campaign…It seems it is unacceptable to him that we are allowed to pay for advertising inviting Canadians to think about alternatives. The current climate in Canada is so abortion-friendly that a politician finds it acceptable to shut down our right to question the policy.”
“We’ve definitely gone too far”.
Calls to Don Hull and Brian McHattie’s offices were not returned by press time.
Monday, January 14, 2008
Obama's Pastor Gives Award To Leader Of Racist Organization
Yet again we see the disparity in the media between how conservatives and liberals are treated. Mike Huckabee and Mitt Romney both have been highly scrutinized,criticized and even attacked because of their religion. Meanwhile, Barak Hussein Obama can talk religion and speak in churches and he is applauded for it.
Recently Barak Hussein Obama's pastor presented the avowed racist and hater of white people the "minister" Louis Farrakhan, a lifetime achievement award. Farrakhan is the leader of the Nation of Islam, who believes that white people were created by an evil wizard (no joke) and that they have no soul. He also believes that white people will be exterminated in the near future by Allah, using his black servants. Farrakhan, once in a speech, referred to Hitler as a "great man." You can't get much more racist than that.
My question is - where is the media outrage? Why isn't anyone jumping on Barak Hussein Obama for this? Why doesn't someone question him about his church or his pastor doing this? But what do we hear? Crickets.
Suppose Mike Huckabee's pastor were to give David Duke a lifetime achievement award? Do you think the media would be all over that? Do you think that would bring intense criticism? You bet your bottom dollar they would. Huckabee would be brutalized in the press. In fact that would be the end of his candidacy.
Further, Barak Hussein Obama is believed to be a strong Muslim sympathizer by some. In fact Debbie Schlussel, a conservative political commentator and columnist was even more pointedly critical of Barak Hussein's Islamic connections when she wrote, on her blog, "while Obama may not identify as a Muslim, that's not how the Arabic and Muslim streets see it. In Arab culture and under Islamic law, if your father is Muslim (Obama's father was), so are you. And once a Muslim, always a Muslim. You cannot go back. In Islamic eyes, Obama is certainly a Muslim. He may think he's a Christian, but they do not."
Remember those Muslim folks? Those were the ones dancing in the streets on September 11, 2001 when over 3000 Americans were slaughtered.
Sunday, January 13, 2008
Church Hands Out What??

(The pastor says his goal is to "impress people who don't go to church". If that's the goal, why stop there? Dress your greeters up like Hooter's girls as well - that will definitely impress those who don't go to church. How about handing out bongs engraved with the church logo at the local university too? That would surely impress the students. Sadly, another little piggy goes off to market....)
To get people to attend his new church campus, Robbie McLaughlin is sending his message out to where the people are.
Next Friday, staffers from Next Level Church of Matthews will go to bars in the Ballantyne area of Charlotte to hand out shot glasses which ask patrons to "give us a shot" and bear the slogan, "Real church for real people."
The idea is to draw people to the Ballantyne campus, which opens next month.
McLaughlin is the pastor, and said he is confident that it will be controversial, but he said the goal is not necessarily to impress people who already go to church. He said it's to impress people who don't.
Next Level is a nontraditional church that encourages members to dress casually and snack on coffee and doughnuts during services.
McLaughlin said the idea has caught on, and in two years, the church has grown from a handful of members to more than 700.