Wednesday, July 30, 2008

The Emergent "Conversation"

From Why We're Not Emergent (By Two Guys Who Should Be):

"The 'we're just in conversation' mantra can become a shtick whereby emergent leaders are easy to listen to and impossible to pin down. It's one thing for a high school student to be in process with his theology. It's another thing for adults who write books and speak around the world about their musings and misgivings. I agree that there must be space for Christians to ask hard questions and explore the tensions in faith, but I seriously question that this space should be hugely public where hundreds of thousands of men and women are eagerly awaiting the next book or blog or podcast arising from your faith journey. No matter what new label you put on it, once you start selling thousands of books, speaking all over the country and world, and being looked to for spiritual and ecclesiastical direction, you're no longer just a conversation partner. You are a leader and teacher."

James 3:1 - "Not many of you should become teachers, my brothers, for you know that we who teach will be judged with greater strictness."


  1. Eric,

    Very good perspective on the so-called emergent "conversation."

    Thanks for another great post.


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