Monday, August 17, 2009

Random Thoughts

*After nearly two years of waiting for our house to sell - it finally sold. So we're building a new house.

*What an incredible summer. El Salvador, Chicago (twice) and other destinations that I'm sure are escaping my mind right now. Bottom line with all of this - God has done some AMAZING things in me and my family. I think my oldest daughter is now more radical for Christ than I am - and my other two are on their way - and that's an awesome thing to be able to say.

I leave you with a picture of the fam gathered at our new home site. Blessings!

1 comment:

  1. Yikes Eric! You're leaving the blogosphere? I am saddened to see that as there are so few churches and pastors today like you whom we true Pentecostals resonate with. Well, I will keep up with you on Facebook then. Thank so much for your great posts.


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