Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Questions Rick Warren Should Ask

I've said this before and I'll say it again - pastors and churches have zero business involving themselves in politics. Much damage has been done in the Kingdom of God as a result of pastors diving headlong into politics because it always causes unnecessary division in the Body of Christ and serves as a major distraction from the churches primary job of winning souls. This church/politics mix has undoubtedly contributed to the belief held by some Americans that politics and religion are virtually the same thing. Not only can I see why they think that - I'd have to agree in a few cases. And it may come as a surprise to some members of the 'religious right' that no one will be asked what their party affiliation was before they are allowed into heaven.

Having said all of that, this "Compassion Forum", hosted by Pastor Rick Warren at his church on August 16 has caught my attention. Both presidential candidates, Barak Obama and John McCain, will be taking part in this forum in which the stated purpose is to have the candidates answer questions on issues such as global poverty, HIV and the environment.

Since such a forum is taking place and being moderated by a pastor, wouldn't it be great if some tough questions would be asked of the candidates as opposed to the politically correct softballs that will be floating around on Saturday night? Not that global poverty, HIV and the environment aren't challenging issues - they are and need to be discussed, but wouldn't it be interesting to see the candidates have to answer some 'hard for them' questions? Something other than the Warren stated sample question: "What’s the most difficult decision you’ve had to make, and how did you make it?" Hmm. Olympic sailing doesn't sound so boring after all.

That's why people like columnist Gregg Jackson at Townhall.com have suggested if we're going to have a forum like this - how about asking some questions like this? Questions that cut to the chase and ditch the nauseating political correctness that has strangled our brains for far too long.

These are questions that Rick Warren should ask - but won't:

1. For both candidates: What is truth? Who is truth? And Is that truth transcendent and applicable at all times to everyone regardless of their impulses, behavioral preferences, desires, wants, nationality, ethnicity, religious dogma, gender, race, etc?

2. Sen. Obama, you have said you are personally pro-life but in favor of abortion rights up to and even including after delivery in some cases. Why are you pro-life personally if an abortion doesn't actually kill a baby in her mother's womb? Also, do you think Jesus would be in favor of abortion? Why or why not?

3. Sen. McCain, you claim to be personally pro-life as well. Why? And if you believe that abortion always ends the life of the developing baby in her mother's womb, why would it be ok for individual states to legalize killing babies? Don't our nation's founding documents the Declaration of Independence ("life, liberty, pursuit of happiness") and Constitution (5th and 14th Amendments) guarantee the right to life that no individual state can violate?

4. Sen. Obama, Do you believe that homosexual behavior, as God says in His Word, is unnatural, deviant, and self-destructive? As a follow-up, some have said that we shouldn't worry about homosexuality because Jesus never said anything about it specifically. Well, in case you're planning on going down the same Scriptural-ignorant road, Jesus never spoke about crack cocaine, racism, and suicide, either. So are those things okay? And the Gospel of John says that in the beginning was the Word, that the Word became flesh, and that the Word was Jesus Himself. So, since "all Scripture is God-breathed and profitable" the entire Bible is about Jesus, and that's the same Jesus that affirmed marriage as one man and one woman in the Gospels as well. Therefore, as a Christian how do you find yourself on the opposite end of an issue from Jesus?

5. Sen. McCain, You said of same-sex marriage: "I think that gay marriage should be allowed if there's a ceremony kind of thing, if you wanna call it that, I don't have any problem with that." Do you stand by that statement, as you have also stated that you personally oppose same-sex "marriage?" You don't offer a section on your website dedicated to this issue, which continues to make national headlines. And it's also making headlines in your own state. Recently, Dr. James Dobson expressed regret that you weren't more public in your support for a marriage initiative in your state, and since you support individual states' rights to defend the institution of marriage, do you agree with Dr. Dobson that you haven't been forthright enough on this issue?

Read the rest of the questions HERE.

1 comment:


    Google "Americans for Truth," scroll down to "Zombietime," and click on "Up Your Alley Fair"! After you recover, Yahoo "God to Same-Sexers: Hurry Up" on the "ucmpage" or "clericalwhispers" listings. Do this before the predicted California earthquake happens ("the cities of the nations fell" - Rev. 16:19)! Irv

    (Obama and Pelosi did NOT approve of this message.)


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