ABC may have set a loathsome new MSM low in insulting traditional Christians. On today's "Good Morning America," the network lumped the "Christan right" with the 9-11 Islamic terrorists as driving people to atheism.

Keying off an atheists convention being held this weekend, GMA ran a segment on the "Rise in Atheism." Seeking to explain the phenomenon, as images rolled first of the WTC in flames and then of a man placidly holding a sign that simply read "One Nation Under God" and of a display at a demonstration of the Ten Commandments, ABC's Liz Marlantes stated:
Some are reacting to religious extremism, like the Islamic fundamentalism behind the terrorist attacks of 9-11, but also the rise of the Christian right in the U.S.
So there it is. To ABC, traditional Christians are as responsible for making people doubt God as the 9-11 terrorists. People peacefully exercising their First Amendment rights by displaying the Ten Commandments or a sign containing an excerpt from the Pledge of Allegiance as faith-shattering as terrorists who murder thousands by flying airplanes into buildings.
Does MSM anti-Christian bias get any worse than this? ABC owes an apology.
NOTE: In making the case that atheism is growing, Marlantes mentioned that "Congress now has its first self-proclaimed atheist." But while displaying his image [shown here], ABC didn't in any way identify him. He is Pete Stark (D-Calif.)
My note: In the future prepare for the harshest criticism of Biblical Christianity to come from within the 'church'. Articles like this will give illustrative rise to emergents and others of their ilk as to why we shouldn't take the Bible literally, and why all good Christians should shun the 'fundamental' label. They would never use the term 'dumb down the gospel' but that is what will be promoted as hell is deconstructed, the atonement is diluted, the virgin birth is written off and holy living is something for narrow minded legalists.
In the future prepare for the harshest criticism of Biblical Christianity to come from within the 'church'.
ReplyDeleteI agree. It is my conviction that Jesus meant that very thing in Matthew 24:10-12 when He instructed the discples about the sign of His coming and the end of the age:
"And then many will fall away and betray one another and hate one another. And many false prophets will arise and lead many astray. And because lawlessness will be increased, the love of many will grow cold."
The great falling away that Paul spoke of is at the doorstep - but this is not gloom and doom. As these things continue, we should look up: our redemption draws nigh!
Yes - and a great reminder from the Word - sobering yet exciting that our redemption is drawing close!
ReplyDeleteDavid - I just read 'Velvet Elvis' (my latest reading in my tour de emergent reading schedule) in one sitting yesterday and it left me with a 'yuck' feeling.
I felt as though the virgin birth, inerrancy of scripture and hell were all deconstructed before my eyes, and I was supposed to be "more excited about the mystery of it all"???
It would seem to have more of a "making my love grow cold" effect. If Jesus was not born of a virgin - then He is NOT God and the sacrifice for sin is meaningless.
Why is this fact lost on these folks?? Why do they dismiss hell when Revelation is very clear about a 'lake of fire' that those whose names are not written in the book are thrown in to?
I don't get it...
This is just the beginning. I see many people falling away. During the falling away process, these individuals are causing dissensions and betraying the ones that they claimed to have loved.
ReplyDeleteIt is clear that there have always been many false prophets throughout history. Fundamental Christians have always come under the scorn and scrutiny of the more liberal groups posing as Christians. Today, we are seeing the rise of false prophets that preach the way to inner peace is to empty yourself and fill your thoughts with the "YOU" factor.
What is the "YOU" factor? This is my term for extreme focus on self and less on GOD and the redemptive work of grace and mercy shown by Christ as he hung on a cross.
If the virgin birth and teachings on hell are a hoax, then doesn't that nullify the whole movement of Christianity? If that is the case, then doesn't that also nullify all things that the emergent movement espouses that actually line up with the Word of God? In essence what I am saying is, doesn't it look like the emergent movement is only discrediting themselves in the end? They claim to believe in God, but if the emergent movement is able to dismantle one section of a "fundamental" belief, then don't they erode a portion of the very foundation on which some of their so called beliefs are built on???
things that make you go hmmmmm...