Wednesday, December 30, 2009
Faith - What It Is And Why We Need It
Why don't we see the miraculous in America like seen on the mission field, like we read about in the Bible? Because we've forgotten what faith is. We've forgotten what it means to go out on a limb, and trust that God will meet us there. With a wink and a smile we tell someone we will pray for them - but whatever happened to stopping to lay hands on them right there and then asking them how they feel, is the lump gone, has the pain disappeared? You don't see that very much anymore - even in most of our churches. Why? Because that's risky. We might look stupid. We think 'what if nothing happens'? It's time to change our thinking: 'What if something does happen?
Jesus' commission to us from Matthew 10 still stands today: "Preach the kingdom of heaven is near. Heal the sick, raise the dead, cleanse those who have leprosy, drive out demons. Freely you have received, freely give." This short list requires the currency of heaven to fulfill - faith - and that is spelled r-i-s-k.
Friday, November 13, 2009
The Untimed Prayer Time
Not because people think they don't have enough time to pray (although that may be the excuse of some) but rather in the thinking that they have to fulfill a certain amount of time while they pray or else they've somehow missed the boat. After all, the words "prayer" and "time" go together like, well, prayer-time. Seldom can conversations about prayer take place without the inevitable question of time coming up - as in 'how long do you pray'? Perhaps the influence of various books, or even Jesus' statement to Peter, James and John (which is taken out of context to prove a one hour prayer time) has given us this thought that we MUST pray for one hour or we have somehow grieved the Lord and let Him and ourselves down.
I have discovered something liberating in my prayer life - something that has brought deeper intimacy and closeness with the Lord - and more powerful moments with the Lord. That something is this - I no longer 'time' myself while I pray. That may sound funny but I used to be a hard-core, 'follow the watch' person when I prayed. I reasoned that if I hadn't 'gotten my hour in' that I hadn't really prayed. I literally watched the 'watch' to see when I had 'put in' my hour.
Thank God I'm free from that now. In fact it occurred to me - what if I treated my wife like that? What if I said "Honey, you have only one hour of my attention - then I'm off to do my own thing and will ignore you the rest of the day"? Then, to make matters worse during that hour, I insult her with frequent 'watch checks' and enough mind wondering to more than qualify for day dreaming. Is that the intimacy that Jesus desires to have with us? Is this the prayer life of an overcoming child of God? Fortunately not.
Here are some things that the Lord has taught me about prayer the past few years:
I've developed a prayer life - instead of a prayer time. I used to pray until the clock said I was done. Now I pray until I have a release in my spirit or a breakthrough - when I feel like I've connected with God and His presence becomes strong, that's when I feel like I'm done praying. Whether that takes sixty-seconds or sixty-minutes to happen - the amount of time is quite immaterial and doesn't matter. I no longer wear a watch or consult a clock before, during or after praying.
Timing your prayer pretty much defeats its purpose. Prayer is about developing intimacy with God. I've found that no one ever prays because they ought to - people pray because the Holy Spirit has brought something to life inside of them - people pray out of hunger and desire for HIM. Timing prayer is similar to me telling you to go tell your wife you love her. Sure, we all need reminders sometimes - but if it's not in your heart to do, if it's not a passion inside of you - then the expression of empty words means little if nothing. Timing prayer is actually more akin to legalism than intimacy and relationship.
If prayer is a once a day timed event - we're missing out on what God wants to do. I'm not saying that we shouldn't have a set time to pray, but I am saying that prayer needs to become a lifestyle in our hearts - not just a once a day appointment. Lately I'm learning what it means to set my affections on Him. When we learn to set our affections on the Lord we can experience that closeness with Him anywhere at anytime. I find this much preferable in my daily life because it keeps me tuned in to the Holy Spirit and what He might be up to in a given situation where He's wanting to do something through me - no matter where I'm at.
Christians too often 'turn off' their listening to the Holy Spirit when they leave church, which is unfortunate because a majority of the ministry that God is wanting us to do today should be taking place OUTSIDE of the church walls. But this is where we (in general) seem to be the least in tune with Him. We marvel at stories where God uses people to pray for the sick at Wal-Mart, or to lead someone to Christ at work, or to give a word of knowledge to a grocery store cashier - and wonder how awesome it would be to be used like that. It is awesome and should be far more commonplace for the believer. I believe it will happen more when we learn to stop boxing up our 'time' with God.
Thursday, October 1, 2009
The Testimony
Unfortunately, testimony giving in many places has become a story about us, or how ‘bad’ we used to be or the horrible stuff we used to partake in. I’ve heard some testimonies and afterwards thought taking a shower might be a good idea because of all the yuck that was dumped on the listeners. But the testimony that has power to overcome Satan is never man-centered – it’s Christ centered. The story of Jesus healing us, or saving and delivering us is the subject of a testimony that causes hell to tremble. Revelation 19:11 says: For the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy. We know that prophecy either foretells the future or causes things to change in the present (1 Cor. 14:3). When we testify about what Jesus has done for us – a powerful prophetic anointing is released in the hearts of hearers that says, “if God did it for them – He can do it for me!” That’s why I think it’s really sad that few churches anymore have a ‘testimony service’ or at least allow time for testimonies to be given in corporate settings. When we hear good testimonies, faith to overcome is released prophetically in our hearts.
Let’s not neglect the power of the testimony!
Monday, August 17, 2009
Random Thoughts

*What an incredible summer. El Salvador, Chicago (twice) and other destinations that I'm sure are escaping my mind right now. Bottom line with all of this - God has done some AMAZING things in me and my family. I think my oldest daughter is now more radical for Christ than I am - and my other two are on their way - and that's an awesome thing to be able to say.
I leave you with a picture of the fam gathered at our new home site. Blessings!
Sunday, July 19, 2009
El Salvador
Check out our team video:
Destiny El Salvador Team from Eric Smith on Vimeo.
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
Former Newsboys Lead Singer Testifies
This story has a good end however and it's worth the read.
Wednesday, June 3, 2009
Faith Means Risk
Why don't we see the miraculous in America like seen on the mission field, like we read about in the Bible? Because we've forgotten what faith is. We've forgotten what it means to go out on a limb, and trust that God will meet us there. With a wink and a smile we tell someone we will pray for them - but whatever happened to stopping to lay hands on them right there and then asking them how they feel, is the lump gone, has the pain disappeared? You don't see that very much anymore - even in most of our churches. Why? Because that's risky. We might look stupid. We think 'what if nothing happens'? It's time to change our thinking: 'What if something does happen?
Jesus' commission to us from Matthew 10 still stands today: "Preach the kingdom of heaven is near. Heal the sick, raise the dead, cleanse those who have leprosy, drive out demons. Freely you have received, freely give." Since the Biblical definition of belief is actually obedience, this short list requires obedience to the call - faith - and that is spelled r-i-s-k.
Thursday, May 28, 2009
Pastor Told To Stop Home Bible Study
Read the rest HERE.
Saturday, May 16, 2009
Monday, May 11, 2009
More Great Healing Testimonies
"Carla has suffered from hyperglycemia for many years. But several months ago, doctors discovered a tumor on her pancreas. They wanted to do surgery to remove it. She has also been trying to get pregnant over the last few years without success. One Sunday at the Dream Center miracle tent, Don brought some oil from the Prayer Fortress. He asked for people to come up who needed prayer. Don anointed her with oil and began to pray for her, not even knowing that she needed a miracle.
The next week, the doctor wanted to run more tests before surgery. The tumor on her pancreas had disappeared! The doctor was puzzled, so he did an ultra-sound. The tumor was gone. The added blessing came when Carla found out she was pregnant 3 months ago. She is going to have a boy. Gisela’s son passed away about a month ago. At his graveside, she shared a testimony about her daughter who was pregnant. She said that the doctor didn’t understand how her baby could be growing because the placenta was full of holes. The daughter still had another month to carry her baby, and she planned to name the baby after her deceased brother.
Gisela testified on Sunday that the baby was born 4 weeks premature. They planned to keep him in the hospital in an incubator for his lungs to develop, but within 24 hours, the doctor sent her home saying, “His lungs are better than mine!” But the amazing testimony in all of this is that the doctor didn’t understand how the baby received nourishment. When the baby was born, the nurse called in the other nurses to see the beautiful healthy baby. And after the baby, the placenta came out, shriveled up like a raisin. Be encouraged if you need a miracle. Every week, we see and hear testimonies of God doing miracles. And He wants to do a miracle for you."
Thursday, April 9, 2009
Rate Your Verticality
I found this 'Vertical quiz' on another site - but I've changed and tweaked it a little to (in my opinion) improve it. Take this little quiz and see how 'vertical' your church is. Answer each question with a 0-5, with 0 being the weakest yes, and 5 being the strongest yes:
1. Are the songs we sing in worship directed more TO God rather than singing ABOUT God?
2. Do platform personnel come across as ministers or as entertainers?
3. Is the sermon coming clearly/continually from what the Bible is actually saying - or is one verse used to 'jump off' on some topic?
4. Does the sermon challenge me to change and grow, versus just something to know - and are the hard scriptures preached about?
5. Am I strongly encouraged over time to join a smaller group where I can express and experience biblical community?
6. Do I find the people I meet to be humble and overt in their love for Christ, or more guarded and private about their faith?
7. Am I challenged to find a place of ministry where I can use my gifts and shoulder weekly kingdom responsibility in working and tithing my income for God?
8. Do the leaders of my church find ways to draw the focus away from themselves and onto Christ and what He is doing?
9. Does my church invite me into sacrificial work for Christ that does not benefit our church at all: feeding the poor, church planting/missions, etc.?
10. Does my church seek to follow the biblical pattern for church governance and elevate the Word of God in all it does, including church discipline?
Vertical Church: 40+
60-Degree Church: 30-40
Horizontal Church: 20-30
Find a New Church : 0-20Wednesday, March 25, 2009
What's More Relevant Than Fruit?
When it comes to dealing with unbelievers, I've come to an interesting conclusion: Churches & Christians wanting to be "culturally relevant" need to look no further than Galatians 5:22-23:
"But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. Against such things there is no law."
Show these 9 items above in your life and you will have no problem connecting, talking, meeting and even attracting unbelievers. Who doesn't love being around someone kind? Who doesn't admire someone who exercises self control? Who doesn't appreciate patience in someone else? What could possibly be more culturally relevant than showing the Fruit of the Spirit?
I don't believe churches are struggling today because they lack cultural relevance - I think many churches are irrelevant because they lack the Fruit of the Spirit. If you don't believe me - go work as a waiter at a local restaurant on a Sunday afternoon. I have actually been a waiter in a couple different restaurants in my day - and Sunday's clientele was roundly disliked by most all of the wait staff because of, you guessed it, church people. Pompous, arrogant, demanding only begins to describe the attitude that we got from most church people on Sunday. Some of these folks had the unmitigated gall to act this way, then leave a tract with a lousy tip (usually just change). When this happened I always did my best to swing by the tables of my co-workers and snatch up the tract before they saw it because I knew it would only serve to harden them against the gospel of Jesus Christ.
I realize that many church attenders aren't Biblically saved and therefore are unable to produce fruit. But for the many others who are saved - we must challenge ourselves to reflect Jesus Christ with every breath we take.
As Paul finished saying in Galatians: Since we live by the Spirit, let us keep in step with the Spirit. Let us not become conceited, provoking and envying each other.
Thursday, March 19, 2009
Who Said This?
"When people hear about what God used to do, one of the things they say is: 'Oh, that was a very long time ago.' I thought it was God that did it. Has God changed? Is He not an immutable God, the same yesterday, today and forever? Does not that furnish an argument to prove that what God has done at one time he can do at another? Nay, I think I may push it a little further, and say what He has done once, is a prophecy of what He intends to do again...Whatever God has to be looked upon as a precedent....(Let us) with earnestness seek that God would restore to us the faith of the men of old, that we may richly enjoy his grace as in the days of old."
The lines are now open - anyone want to take a guess?
Thursday, March 12, 2009
Church Sign-ery
With the help of the church sign generator website - I can keep the church anonymous whose sign is being featured - yet look like a real church get the idea.
Here's today's offering - maybe you can help me figure this out:
If I'm already finished - then is this a good or bad thing?? So...I don't need to worry about trying to start then???
Monday, March 9, 2009
Cost Of No Power Is High
For the kingdom of God is not a matter of talk but of power. 1 Cor. 4:20
My message and my preaching were not with wise and persuasive words, but with a demonstration of the Spirit's power. 1 Cor. 2:4
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
Study Shows Explicit Lyrics Do Contribute To Teen Promiscuity
Oh yeah? I suppose it could be if you view cell phones and Internet use as an entitlement for kids.
Read the story HERE.
Monday, March 2, 2009
Evangelical Churches Growing - Catholic And Mainline Decline
Thursday, February 26, 2009
Theological Question Of The Day
I understand healing in the Atonement (1 Peter 2:24). However since healing happened before the Atonement, and has continued to happen since the Atonement - Is the Atonement the "linchpin" for all healing?
Thursday, February 19, 2009
Sermon Copying: When The World Has More Integrity Than The Church
"When it comes to matters of integrity and decency, the normal course of events it seems, is that the secular culture and the world often condones that which the church condemns. For example, when the world calls adultery an “affair,” justifies divorce without cause, or calls addictions “diseases,” it is then the church that holds its own people accountable to a higher standard of morality and has less toleration for a lack of integrity and morality.
Although we typically find the world celebrating sin and the church confronting it, there is one area where this seems to be reversed: Plagiarism."
Read the rest HERE.
Saturday, February 7, 2009
Sunday, February 1, 2009
Have You Ever Noticed?
Let me take that to the next logical step.
Churches that don't preach healing don't see very many people healed.
Why is this? It's because your faith usually never rises above your own revelation of who God is. Here's the corollary to that: Your faith will usually never rise above your pastor or your church's revelation of who God is either.
God longs to display His glory in our midst - but we run the danger of becoming like the people in the city of Nazareth who's faith, or lack there of, was so woeful that the Bible says "Jesus could not do many mighty works there".
Why was that the case? The Bible says they were "offended" at Him. Not offended in the sense of having their feelings hurt and becoming bitter (as stated in a post below) - but offended in the sense that they couldn't put it together how this carpenter, whose family and siblings they were well acquainted with, could possibly be able to do the miracles that they had heard He was doing in Capernaum.
In many ways today - we are like Nazareth. Not only has the familiarity of the Gospel bred contempt, but many have decided that God doesn't move supernaturally anymore and healing and the gifts of the Holy Spirit are for another bygone error. Their limited revelation of God has had the same effect on them and their churches as it had on the people of Nazareth - Jesus couldn't do many mighty works there, and furthermore was "amazed" at their unbelief.
When we lose the demonstration power of the Gospel that we were intended to operate in (healing, miracles, Gifts of the Holy Spirit) all we are left with is a half way Gospel message that requires us to extract or re-explain large portions of scripture such as "By His stripes we were healed".
What we are left with? A crippled Gospel. A Gospel of words that lacks the manifest power of the New Testament God that we see operating in the early church.
Churches with a crippled Gospel are then forced to go one of two routes - either become like the recreation director of a retirement home who is constantly saying, "Isn't this great - aren't we having fun?" (Translated - 'aren't we smart - our doctrine is superior to everyone else') while the residents bored out of their minds are pretty much a captive audience because they are financially invested there and don't have a whole lot of other exciting choices, or, churches go the route of offering yoga classes, bowling leagues and line dancing in order to try to stir up interest in folks coming to church.
However churches that will operate in what Paul describes as 'demonstration power', will not need to resort to gimmicks. Jesus will be the main attraction. He is the One who fills us with Living Water that satisfies our longings and cravings.
Churches that will preach and teach that God heals today, delivers today and still does the miraculous today, Hebrews 13:8, will see healing, deliverance and miracles because God always honors His Word.
As Petra used to sing concerning Christians: There's too much talk and not enough walk.
Let's show this world how awesome Jesus Christ is!
Saturday, January 31, 2009
Over 800,000 Receive Christ
Read the rest HERE.
Recent World Headlines
Australian PM: Time For A New World Order; Paris Unrest Will Spread Round The World; Worst January On Record For Stocks; Alaskans Brace For Volcano Eruption; Record Breaking Heat Scorches Australia; Dawn Of New Age Of Industrial Unrest In UK; Quake Jolts Seattle Area; Turkish PM Walked Out On Israeli President.
These are interesting times to be living in. But rather than the Church huddling in doubt and fear, this is the time to seize the great opportunity that we've been given. We were born into the family of God and the Spirit of the resurrected Christ has taken up residence in our hearts. We have the promise of Jesus that the "gates of hell will not prevail against us".
What a most opportune time to allow the glory of God to rise upon us and let His light and life shine through us!
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
The Power Of The Offended Mind
"When Jesus felt it was time to minister in His hometown of Nazareth, He went to the synagogue. As He began to teach the people, they were quite amazed at His wisdom. They were also very impressed with the healings they were seeing. But when they realized they knew Him, having watched Him grow up, they were offended in their ‘reasonings’. “It is Jesus. We know His brothers and sisters. He grew up here! How can He do this stuff? And where did He get this wisdom?” They were not offended in the typical sense; their feelings were not hurt, nor were they caught up in bitterness. They simply could not put two and two together and arrive at the conclusion – their Jesus was a miracle worker and a man of great wisdom. It didn’t fill them with wonder and awe. Instead it caused them to become hardhearted and reject Him. This unresolved question became the mental stumbling block that was strong enough to shut down Jesus’ anointing to perform miracles and teach with power. To have questions is healthy; to hold God hostage to those questions is not. It sometimes creates an atmosphere that fulfills its own prophecy about the power of God not being for today. It shuts down the very anointing that would teach them otherwise.
Not understanding is okay. Restricting our spiritual life to what we understand is not. It is immaturity at best. Such a controlling spirit is destructive to the development of a Christ-like nature. God responds to faith but will not surrender to our demands for control. Maturity requires a heart-felt embrace of what we do not understand as an essential expression of faith."
Sunday, January 25, 2009
Friday, January 23, 2009
Who In The World Is "Isa"?
Now Yeshua and Jesus I know - but what's with this Isa name?
Upon further review, Isa (pronounced 'eee-sa'), I discovered is the false Jesus of the Qu'ran (Koran) and the Muslim Hadith.
Isa is the Islamic Jesus who was but a prophet and who certainly did not experience a sacrificial death on a cross let alone resurrect from the dead. In fact, in Islam the prophet Isa is actually the destroyer of Christianity - not it’s Savior. Obviously, this is simply not the same Jesus as is Yeshua. (More info on Isa can be found HERE.)
Perhaps even more important to me, when praying, particularly in public - I think it's important to use Jesus' messianic title of "Christ". After all there are many "Jesus'", but there is only One Anointed of the Father, only One true Messiah, and only one name given under heaven whereby all men must be saved - Jesus the Christ. The title of "Christ" speaks of Jesus' ability to forgive sin, heal the sick and restore us to right relationship with our Creator.
Not trying to be nit-picky here, and I'm not sure if this is a case of Warren getting caught up in trying to be politically correct, or trying to appease Muslims, or both - I really don't know. But if we are going to try to proclaim Christ - let's proclaim Christ.
The Devil's Beatitudes
The Devil's Beatitudes
1. Blessed are those who are too tired, too busy, too distracted to spend an hour once a week with their fellow Christians - they are my best workers.
2. Blessed are those Christians who wait to be asked and expect to be thanked - I can use them.
3. Blessed are the touchy ones who stop going to church - they are my missionaries.
4. Blessed are the troublemakers - they shall be called my children.
5. Blessed are the complainers - I'm all ears to them.
6. Blessed are those who allow a bad attitude to enter their heart towards the preacher - for they get nothing out of his sermons.
7. Blessed is the church member who expects to be invited to his own church - for he is part of the problem instead of part of the solution.
8. Blessed are those who gossip - for they shall cause strife and division that please me.
9. Blessed are those who are easily offended - for they will soon get angry and quit.
10. Blessed are those who do not give their tithe and offering to carry on God's work - for they are my helpers.
11. Blessed is he who professes to love God but hates his brother and sister - for he shall be with me forever.
12. Blesses are you who, when you read this, think it is about the other person instead of yourself - it pleases me when Christians don't take responsibility for themselves.
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
Healing Testimonies
Monday, January 19, 2009
John 3:16

- On the bottom rim of an In-N-Out Burger paper cup.
- On the bottom of a shopping bag from Forever 21 (my daughters favorite clothing store).
- Tornado Fuel Saver prints it on their box as well.
"For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life." John 3:16
Friday, January 16, 2009
Why I'm Rooting For Kurt Warner

After his last second win verses Ohio State, Texas quarterback Colt McCoy's first post game words were, "I'd like to thank my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ." I've also noticed that several Ohio State stars like James Laurinaitis and Terrelle Pryor were proclaiming their faith as well by putting Bible verses on their eye black. Tim Tebow, quarterback and Heisman Trophy winner from the University of Florida (pictured) is another athlete who is unashamed of his relationship with Jesus Christ.
It's not that I think God cares about football or even helps decide the outcome of the game (although He could if He so desired), I just love it when the genuinely saved give glory to the One who gave us breath in a public forum where it's considered 'taboo' to ever say the name Jesus - particularly when it's not being used as a swear word.
This weekend we have an opportunity to watch one of the NFL's best quarterbacks and most radical Christians play - Arizona Cardinal quarterback, Kurt Warner. Warner already has a Super Bowl ring and two NFL MVP's in his resume - but more than that Kurt is the genuine article when it comes to being a servant of Christ. He was raised Catholic but he gave his life to Jesus in 1996.

Recently after a practice he was asked by a reporter if he thought his faith gave him an advantage on the field to which Kurt replied: "I walk by faith and not by sight. I walk according to what I believe, and what I believe the power of God is, as opposed to what the world tells us, or what circumstances appear to be." He went on to say: "So much of this business is 'Me, me me,'...My faith has allowed me to step back from that and say, 'Hey, this isn't about me.'"
EDIT: Tim Tebow is pictured above on the night that his Florida Gators won the National Championship. The next day the number one Google search was: John 3:16.
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
Naturally Supernatural
But through these last few months God has been speaking to me and moving me in a direction that I somehow knew I should always be going in.
I trace this personal evolution back to October when I took three days off and did a 20+ mile Appalachian Trail backpack trip. Three days alone with God will do wonders for you - but more than that, I began to realize that the Holy Spirit speaks to me (and us) far more often than I was ever aware.
That's when I decided I was going to listen more closely to the Holy Spirit.
While I'm increasingly aware of my limitations, I've become increasingly aware that God desires to intersect with the lives of people on this planet far more than we can imagine and it's for this reason that He has given us the power of the Holy Spirit. He desires for us to live a naturally supernatural life. A life where His saving, healing and delivering power flow through us to the lost and hurting around us - a supernatural lifestyle not limited to the four walls of a church service:
And he called to him his twelve disciples and gave them authority over unclean spirits, to cast them out, and to heal every disease and every affliction...And proclaim as you go, saying, 'The kingdom of heaven is at hand.' Heal the sick, raise the dead, cleanse lepers, cast out demons. You received without paying; give without pay. Matthew 10:1,7-8.
I love those words, "as you go". What great words to end your next Sunday service with - calling believers in your congregation to go out and declare that the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand.
History records believers doing exactly what the verses above are describing - going all the way back to the Book of Acts. I've come to the conclusion that we (the Church) have been, for the most part, operating far below the level of power that Christ has given us to operate in. Seemingly the vast majority of the Church today is either paralyzed by simple doubt, unbelief, or man made doctrines that have marginalized or extinguished the supernatural.
Since my rendezvous with God last October, I've been trying to listen - and stand on what the Word of God says - and live a naturally supernatural life.
I've got great news to report - our God still heals the sick and He still does miracles. In the past three months I have seen more healing miracles than I've witnessed in the previous seven years.
I've seen arthritis, knee injuries, cysts and other painful conditions healed by God's power.
The most incredible miracle happened New Year's Eve as I was on my way home from the office and honestly not feeling particularly 'spiritual' that day. I thought I'd quickly stop by the nursing home near my home and visit a lady who used to attend our church. When I arrived in her room and greeted her, she introduced me to her roommate who was a kind and coherent elderly lady whose recent health crisis had brought her to this particular nursing home.
As I was getting ready to leave, the lady from our church asked if I would pray for her eye as she was experiencing some pain around it. After I prayed a short prayer asking for God to heal her eye pain, her roommate asked if I would pray for her as well. I asked what it was she wanted me to pray for she said: "I'm blind in my right eye and I can't see very good out of the other."
I laid my hand on her shoulder and began to pray for God to open her blind eye, I noticed that after a few moments she begin blinking her eyes. I stopped and asked her what was going on. She replied "It's getting better - I can see". I said "Let's keep praying!" I prayed for her two or three more times and each time I did she said her vision got clearer. I had her cover the eye she could see out of and she began to call out things that she could now see with her right eye that she told me she was blind in a moment before. It was an amazing moment. The first lady I prayed for declared that her eye pain was gone and immediately both of these ladies lifted their hands and began praising God out loud. It was a very touching seen.
Leaving that facility I was amazed yet again at how God's power can flow out of us so naturally if we will just step out in faith, stand on what His Word says and simply believe. My reoccurring thought lately is that if we don't have faith to see the Holy Spirit move supernaturally - how in the world do we have faith for the rest of the Christian life then?
If we will provide the natural, God will provide the 'Super'.